Writing for Well-Being

Namaste! This simple word means Hello in India, but around the globe it says so much more. It has an automatic way for bringing a sense of calm with it, that the person who says it is happy and content and wishes that for you. Maybe this is because I usually hear it when IContinueContinue reading “Writing for Well-Being”

Is Indie Publishing a Piece of Cake?

That all depends on how far you will go for that slice of sweet goodness! Firstly, let’s look at the reasons you may want to be an indie author. You like to remain in CONTROL of EVERYTHING. I get this, I honestly do, when you go down the traditionally published route your begin to looseContinueContinue reading “Is Indie Publishing a Piece of Cake?”

Self Love

Hands up if you’re a writer who has suffered self -doubt? Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com The two seem to go hand in hand, we are after all putting something very personal out there for public viewing and critisim. The key here is to understand that you will always get negative feedback off someone.ContinueContinue reading “Self Love”

Writer’s Mistakes!

It’s really as simple as that. Mistakes are allowed, in fact let’s go one step further and encourage them!  Remember when I told you about my sons and the cornflakes? That was an accident. Son no. 3 had made the mistake of over reaching. BUT… if he hadn’t  they would never have heard the soundsContinueContinue reading “Writer’s Mistakes!”

Creativity is…

Do you remember these cartoons drawn by Kim Casali for her new husband? They used to feature everywhere. Creativity can be like the many examples given in the ‘love is…’ cartoons, it comes in many forms. For me personally, my creativity comes out in writing, gardening, cooking, teaching and party planning and photography. I amContinueContinue reading “Creativity is…”

The First Novel.

I can honestly say, I had hoped I would get it done sooner. Despair and hopelessness for writers is real. But I didn’t. It wasn’t a total fail, after all I HAVE a finished novel, it’s just life got in the way, and you feel guilty. At least, I did. I have nothing but greatContinueContinue reading “The First Novel.”

New Year New Challenge!

We all make resolutions , promises to ourselves to make changes for the better, whether its eat healthier, exercise more or change job. How about “start that novel I’ve been meaning to”. Sound familiar? WHY WAIT UNTIL JANUARY? Why not make that commitment now? Yes, it’s a busy time of year, but if that isContinueContinue reading “New Year New Challenge!”

5 Reasons Writers Should Read.

Keep reading as you write. As a tutor, I always remind my students of the importance of reading. Whether you are writing novels, blogs, scripts for film, tv radio, game or theatre as well as non-fiction even for work, you should be reading what everyone else is doing. So I’ve put together some writing tips,ContinueContinue reading “5 Reasons Writers Should Read.”

Fly me to the moon or Mordor.

Not Mordor, St Michael’s Mount Marazion. Cornwall. Location. It’s not just a place, it’s a character. As a child did you have that special place where you hid out in a thunder storm? Or a place you returned to at every opportunity for adventure? I did. Back in my hometown there is a man-made lake,ContinueContinue reading “Fly me to the moon or Mordor.”