Flexing the Writing Muscle

Do you write daily? I do. Now. Not always what I should be writing, but I do write. I am and have always been, a big list maker, it is probably why plotting ideas and creating beatsheets is easier for me than others. I can write extensive notes, on my work and that of myContinueContinue reading “Flexing the Writing Muscle”

Self Love

Hands up if you’re a writer who has suffered self -doubt? Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels.com The two seem to go hand in hand, we are after all putting something very personal out there for public viewing and critisim. The key here is to understand that you will always get negative feedback off someone.ContinueContinue reading “Self Love”

Writer’s Mistakes!

It’s really as simple as that. Mistakes are allowed, in fact let’s go one step further and encourage them!  Remember when I told you about my sons and the cornflakes? That was an accident. Son no. 3 had made the mistake of over reaching. BUT… if he hadn’t  they would never have heard the soundsContinueContinue reading “Writer’s Mistakes!”

Fly me to the moon or Mordor.

Not Mordor, St Michael’s Mount Marazion. Cornwall. Location. It’s not just a place, it’s a character. As a child did you have that special place where you hid out in a thunder storm? Or a place you returned to at every opportunity for adventure? I did. Back in my hometown there is a man-made lake,ContinueContinue reading “Fly me to the moon or Mordor.”

Why join a writing group?

Belonging to a writing group is about taking strength from that group and giving it back.

How’s the ‘big plan’ going?i

Woooh we’re halfway there! Can you believe it’s June already? It seems like it was only last week I was putting the Christmas decorations away and desperately searching for the perfect year planner. Now it’s halfway through the year. So how are those targets coming along? I’m happy to hold my hand up and admitContinueContinue reading “How’s the ‘big plan’ going?i”

Motivating new writers.

Excuses range from their reading is not good enough, or they didn’t do well at school. Some believe that no-one would want to read their story but most lack the confidence to show their work to others, even loved ones.