We Are Writers

We are writers.

Believing in the magic of the written word. Knowing and understanding the power those words carry.

We write to escape this world and enter another, to capture lost moments and remember loved times.

We craft and create, we twist, and we turn. Entwining passion with adventure and purpose. Fusing lives that anywhere else would not meet.

We are courageous creatives. We live, love and write hard.

We bare our souls to strangers, juggle mundane jobs with family commitments. 

Bringing balance with writing.

We actively choose when to write, we are inspired as to what we write.

We strive to achieve, sentences, pages, chapters. Progress taken in baby steps.

We understand our lives influence our words, what we have read makes up our DNA. Our stories become our children, we nurse and raise, correcting and praising along the way. Learning and developing our skill as we go.

We meet many muses along our way, guiding our hearts and heads, preparing us to share our views in words with the world.

We learn at the pages of the great.  We read, we study, we blog and compare. We workshop our writing, imitating their style while developing our own.

We study structure, dialogue, character, plot, embarking on our very own journey, understanding our weak points, strengthening our own character arc along the way.

We are dreamers.

Seeking our name in print; on a cover, a blog, a script, on the screen. 

We write because we want to succeed. A new life, flexible hours, working from home, fitting around the family. For fame or fortune, for poverty and pleasure. 

We write when it’s hard, we have days when a blank page scares us. Frustrating, terrifying, doubting days, lined with insecurity.

We know rejection. We know joy.

We continue on this path, pursuing all of our wildest dreams.

We are courageous, organised, studious. We plan, plan and plan again. 

We are passionate, we lose track of time and forget to eat, we set our goals and motivate each other.

We write for many reasons, we write as we have a story to tell.

We are writers.

Published by The Coffeehouse Writer

Writer of screen, stage and book. Yoga pants addict (they are so comfy!), occasional rum drinker, always a mum.

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