Novel in a Year, Really?

Novel in a Year is the successful course I have been running, which starts its 4th year in January 2024. Wow! I get asked lots of questions about this course and thought the best way to answer them was in a simple post, if you have more questions that haven’t been answered here, then pleaseContinueContinue reading “Novel in a Year, Really?”

Help! I want to sell more books!

Congratulations on writing your book! That is a HUGE achievement. Be proud of yourself. What’s that I hear? It’s been out a week and you can’t retire yet? I’m afraid you will be waiting a long time. In 2018, 675 million print books were sold in the US, 190.9m print books in the UK, and is valued at $312mContinueContinue reading “Help! I want to sell more books!”

Is Indie Publishing a Piece of Cake?

That all depends on how far you will go for that slice of sweet goodness! Firstly, let’s look at the reasons you may want to be an indie author. You like to remain in CONTROL of EVERYTHING. I get this, I honestly do, when you go down the traditionally published route your begin to looseContinueContinue reading “Is Indie Publishing a Piece of Cake?”

5 Reasons Writers Should Read.

Keep reading as you write. As a tutor, I always remind my students of the importance of reading. Whether you are writing novels, blogs, scripts for film, tv radio, game or theatre as well as non-fiction even for work, you should be reading what everyone else is doing. So I’ve put together some writing tips,ContinueContinue reading “5 Reasons Writers Should Read.”

Fly me to the moon or Mordor.

Not Mordor, St Michael’s Mount Marazion. Cornwall. Location. It’s not just a place, it’s a character. As a child did you have that special place where you hid out in a thunder storm? Or a place you returned to at every opportunity for adventure? I did. Back in my hometown there is a man-made lake,ContinueContinue reading “Fly me to the moon or Mordor.”

The Writer’s Garden.

Have you ever wondered why you seem to be so busy yet you have nothing to show for all your hyperactivity? Even a child will stop to smell the flowers. As a writer, it’s easy to get way-laid with inspiration, this is what I believe is the REAL writers block. Not a lack of ideasContinueContinue reading “The Writer’s Garden.”

Why join a writing group?

Belonging to a writing group is about taking strength from that group and giving it back.

How’s the ‘big plan’ going?i

Woooh we’re halfway there! Can you believe it’s June already? It seems like it was only last week I was putting the Christmas decorations away and desperately searching for the perfect year planner. Now it’s halfway through the year. So how are those targets coming along? I’m happy to hold my hand up and admitContinueContinue reading “How’s the ‘big plan’ going?i”