Feeling the need to Write?

It’s okay to not write.

Since the lockdown started, I have seen an increase in requests for 1-1 coaching, along with a rise in mailing list for courses. Great news for my business, but when I enquire as to why now, the answer has often been the same.

“I have the time now, so no excuses, right?”

Yes and no.

If it has always been your dream to write, perhaps you have already started and a work in progress. Then life got in the way. It does that, right?

You work all day, come home and are shattered, then you have family to catch up with, kids homework to help with and last minute art projects that require more than what you have in your recycle bin, the dogs need a walk, then the other half demands attention  (I mean that in a good way if he himself is reading this!)

And then when you finally do sit down your pc or laptop decides to update or you spill a teardrop of water over your keyboard (guilty) forcing complete shutdown for months.

Yes, now CAN be your time. But please do not feel pressurised!

There should be no guilt when you write, there is literally enough of that going round with everything else. Writing should be a pleasure.

If you are committed to finishing a novel or a script, then you will feel the pressure of a deadline, and words do not always come easy. Sometimes, I know this works for me,

But this blog is mainly for those who feel the need to write without the pressure, even relieving it.

Tips for writing for your well-being.

  • Keep a Journal. It doesn’t have to be daily, but spend 15 minutes writing about how you feel. Right now. Who cares if you write you feel like crap! Your are writing this journal for YOUR benefit. Use your senses. What do you hear, see, feel, taste or smell?  This exercise helps you to be aware of your own feelings.

  • Make a list. Look at what is around you. No, REALLY look. Can you remember why you have these items? What made you purchase them or were they a gift? How did you feel when you brought them home? Go round your room and list 5 objects and write about them. This helps you to focus on the reason you do things.

  • When did you last laugh? Was it recently? Think about where you were, who your were with, and what made you laugh? Was it a proper belly rumbling one or childish giggle? Write the story of that laugh down. This helps you to remember the good times.

  • The other side of the story. Think of a recent conversation you have had. Imagine you are the other person. Is the story the same as yours? What tone did you speak in? How did they feel after the conversation ended? This gives you an insight into what others are seeing and hearing.

  • Free write. This is when you write whatever comes into your head.  Has a calming effect and can inspire future writing projects, gives and insight into what you are thinking about.

These are just a few tips on what you could be writing now.

But it’s okay to watch tv, go for a walk, read a book, play Fortnite with the kids, sit in the garden and watch the world go by. It’s a pretty unusual time right now, just take each day as it comes and keep safe.

White & Black Modern Coffee Quote Photo Collage

If you want more ideas on what to do next check out here.

M x

Published by The Coffeehouse Writer

Writer of screen, stage and book. Yoga pants addict (they are so comfy!), occasional rum drinker, always a mum.

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