How many reasons do you need to take a Writing Course?

Fulfil your dreams!

When you write copy for marketing or blogs, it’s often said to have a number in the title as folk like to have an idea of the quality of what they are reading, based on quantity.

Yet when it comes to most things it’s a way of seeking permission to follow our dreams in easy steps.

With writing how many reasons do you need to realise that if you have a ‘feeling’ to write you should just do it.

No excuses, no reasons why!

You do not need to give yourself permission!

Writing is beneficial for many reasons, as are most creative outlets. But for me, the best thing about writing is I can do it ANYWHERE. I’m currently still in bed, it’s just gone 5am and I have already started my day with a list of intentions, writing this blog and notes on my latest project. But that is me! Not everyone starts the day in full steam.

Writing is also cathartic. However I am feeling whether it’s ecstatic in the full throes or my latest script, or the kids haven’t fought once all day or I’m fed up, angry and disappointed with the way my day has gone. Usually because I am physically too tired to do more than I have.

Writing is my my of explaining my emotions without having to apolitically anyone later. Journals are amazing for this, and you don’t need to share them.

There is something about writing by hand which I find soothing too, we all need to find that.

Writing is an expression of who I am.

I love being creative, I have this energy bursting inside, I bake, I garden, occasionally I even paint and draw. For me though, writing is my outlet. I can go places I have never been without leaving my room, I meet new people every time my pen touches the paper. I can be the greatest detective, a pioneering Irish writer, a woman meeting her first live, have magical powers.

What you can be and do is down to your creativity and where you get inspiration from.

Writing is for creativity, for comfort, for emotional release, for planning your future, remembering your past. It can help you heal and move forward. It can be career building or enhancing, to entertain the kids or the grown-ups. There are time’s when it’s hard work, and even more time’s when it’s fun.

How many reasons do you need to pick up a pen?

Feeling the need to write?

Published by The Coffeehouse Writer

Writer of screen, stage and book. Yoga pants addict (they are so comfy!), occasional rum drinker, always a mum.

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